Free statistics software

Maximise your research potential with ASReml-R and VSNi's suite of free software

To further enhance the capabilities of ASReml-R, VSNi has developed a suite of supplementary software packages: ASRgwas, ASRtriala, and ASRgenomics. These packages provide additional functionality and enable researchers to extract even greater insights and efficiencies from their data analysis pipelines.

Other relevant tools

There are a number of R-library packages produced by third parties specifically for use alongside ASReml. Links to some of the more popular ones can be found on at the ASReml-R Knowledge base, but please note that VSNi takes no responsibility for these tools.


ASExtras4 contains utility functions for the meta-analysis of a series of spatially defined field experiments.


AsremlPlus augments the use of ASReml-R in fitting mixed models and packages generally in exploring prediction differences.